Navigating patients and their families to
the support they need most to bring
hope, normalcy, and joy.

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Families of critically or terminally ill children face an immensely difficult task.

Managing their children's medical treatment in an increasingly stressful environment. Understandably, this process can take an immeasurable toll on families.

To mitigate this toll, Caring Compass offers positive experiences for these kids and their families; providing normalcy, reducing anxiety, and keeping spirits up.

However, the process families must go through to take advantage of these offerings is lengthy, arduous, and often redundant. Building Caring Compass will help connect patients, charities, and administrators simply and effectively. The goal is to create a single point of entry for families and charities to find one another and offering tailored access to programs and services.

Photograph of Caring Compass patients

The Solution for Connection

Caring Compass is multi-sided platform connecting the families of chronically or critically ill children with the charitable agencies they need to restore hope, normalcy, and joy. Leveraged by social workers and vetted by healthcare providers, this tool is designed to be streamlined and effective in its mission.

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How It Works


  • Graphic of a checkmarkQuick and easy universal application.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkStraight forward and easy access to local, regional and national organizations.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkSingle website to manage all support care organizations.

Sign Up

  • Graphic of a checkmarkQuick and easy universal application.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkAccess to many charities.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkEliminates need to store, research, and update hundreds of paper applications for each organization.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkReduces time spent on redundant physician documentation.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkSafe login allow providers to see all support services each patient is receiving.

Sign Up

  • Graphic of a checkmarkProvides organizations prequalified patients based on their criteria.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkReduces resources spent on recruiting patients.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkIncreases time spent on providing services.
  • Graphic of a checkmarkPaperless application to reduce waste.

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